E-Mart 24(Formerly With Me) is a Korean convenience store chain operated by Shinsegae Group.

E-Mart 24 has opened and is operating cashierless c-stores in Korea. To shop there, you need to bring your Korean payment card(Credit, check) and chip your card at the entrance. You can't use your foreign cards. Even Amazon-Go-like shops(eg: E-Mart 24 Gimpo DC) require SSGPAY mobile application that accepts only the Korean payment cards.
국내 신용카드 가맹점(Local merchant in Korea)
Merchant category *
편의점 업종(Convenience store)
* Actual registered merchant category may vary according to credit card companies and banks. Be aware that even if you use one of the cards listed in this page for purchasing goods or services from this shop, if the shop is not in the merchant category for benefit, your spending won't be qualified for earning rewards.

Credit/check cards that offer a benefit in this shop