Total monthly spending of this card |
0 KRW ~ |
300,000 KRW ~ |
Monthly Cash back limit |
No cash back |
50,000 |
- Exceptions(No reward for the following purchases) : All purchases made with other cards, Debit transaction through the bank network(은행공동망 이용 직불거래), ATM withdrawal(자동화기기 인출금액), Service fees including annual fee and foreign transaction fee (해외이용 수수료 및 연회비를 포함한 각종 수수료), Cancelled or refunded purchases(구매 취소건), National tax(국세), Local tax(지방세), Public utility charges(공공요금/공과금), Employment insurance(고용보험), National Health Insurance Service(국민건강보험), National Pension Service(국민연금), Workers'Compensation Insurance(산재보험), Gift certificate(상품권), Gift or Prepaid card(기프트 또는 선불카드), Water charge(수도요금), Electricity bill(전기요금), Gas bill(도시가스 요금), College titution fee(대학등록금), School fee payment(초중고 학교 납입금)
- [Spending requirement] This benefit requires 300,000 KRW in total or more spendings of this card in the month of the purchase.