Card Design

Benefit / Reward services of the card

  • The following benefits are what you can get by using this card for buying or paying for something in shops.
  • Some benefits may require some preconditions such as shop categories and minimun spending requirement. Click and see the notices described in each perk.
  • ONLINE   1.5 % Cash back in All online shops

    • Online shop Logo


    - The cash back benefit will be applied in the form of statement credit(청구할인). You will be able to check this in your billing statement.
    - "All online purchases(shops)" mean all purchases made through a payment gateway or digital wallet service. Almost domestic online shops are applicable. However, some online purchases like tax payment, express bus ticket or train ticket purchase will not be recognised as an online purchase.

  • ALL   1.2 % Cash back on All other purchases


    - Exceptions(No reward for the following purchases) : All purchases made with other cards, Cash Advance(단기카드대출 이용금액), Card Loan(장기카드대출 이용금액), ATM withdrawal(자동화기기 인출금액), Service fees including annual fee and foreign transaction fee (해외이용 수수료 및 연회비를 포함한 각종 수수료), Cancelled or refunded purchases(구매 취소건), National tax(국세), Local tax(지방세), Gas bill(도시가스 요금), Public utility charges(공공요금/공과금), National Health Insurance Service(국민건강보험), National Pension Service(국민연금), Employment insurance(고용보험), Handicapped employment levy(장애인고용부담금), Workers'Compensation Insurance(산재보험), School fee payment(초중고 학교 납입금), College titution fee(대학등록금), Property/House rent(부동산/주택임대료), Rent for a LH rental house(한국토지주택공사 임대료), Apartment maintenance fee(아파트관리비), Gift or Prepaid card(기프트 또는 선불카드), Gift certificate(상품권), Public transport(Bus, Subway)(대중교통(버스,지하철)), Taxi(택시), Express Way bill(고속도로 통행료), Express Bus(고속버스), Vending machines(자판기), In-flight purchases(기내물품구매), Fine(벌금, 범칙금, 과료, 과태료), Duty(관세), Installment purchases without interest(무이자할부 구매)
    - The cash back benefit will be applied in the form of statement credit(청구할인). You will be able to check this in your billing statement.

  • MEMBERSHIP   Integrated membership : L.POINT 멤버십

    - By using this card, you'll get extra rewards in eligible shops listed for the membership.
    - With this membership, you'll earn 0.1~10% L.Point rewards in eligible L.Point member shops.
    - For more detailed information, please refer to :
    - You may need to agree with providing your personal information to the third party company.

Networks Annual fee Foreign transaction fee (Purchase)
10,000 KRW1.4% + 0.2%
10,000 KRW1% + 0.2%
10,000 KRWN/A
  • When you close your card, the annual fee for the remaning period of the year will be refunded. However, the costs of card issuance and delivery will be deducted from it. Also, if the annual fee is waived or given back by a speicial offer, or you recieved sign up, retention bonus(es) of the card, the annual fee won't be refunded.
  • All shops described in this page mean only the local merchants accept credit/check cards in Korea, unless otherwise noted or marked with the word "Overseas".
  • All shops that accept credit/check cards may have a merchant code determined and assigned by the shop, card issuer or network provider, and it's the key criteria for earning or not earning rewards for making purchases in a specific shop. If the shop doesn't have a merchant code in that category, even though a shop or some of the items that it sells may appear to fit within a rewards category, purchases in that shop won't qualify for rewards on purchases in that category and you won't be able to earn the basic, special or additional rewards on the purchases. Also, if the shop isn't in the exception for earning rewards, the purchases could qualify for the rewards. The categories may vary with the issuers and the ways of making purchases.
  • According to the policy of the Financial Supervisory Service(금융감독원), those benefits won't be changed within 3 years since its release date, unless the service provider goes bankrupt, closes permanently or faces a huge financial trouble. Release date : 15th Sep 2021
  • We are always making endeavours to bring all possible information to you. However, there could still be some missing information or benefits about the product. We strongly recommend you to get a detailed consultation from the card issuer.
Card type
Credit card (Charge card)
Issued by
Available networks
AmericanExpress, MasterCard, Local
Availability for new members
Integrated transport card
Optional (Deferred payment)
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