- Exceptions(No reward for the following purchases) : All purchases made with other cards, Cash Advance(단기카드대출 이용금액), Card Loan(장기카드대출 이용금액), ATM withdrawal(자동화기기 인출금액), Service fees including annual fee and foreign transaction fee (해외이용 수수료 및 연회비를 포함한 각종 수수료), Cancelled or refunded purchases(구매 취소건), Installment purchases without interest(무이자할부 구매), National tax(국세), Local tax(지방세), Public utility charges(공공요금/공과금), Gas bill(도시가스 요금), National Health Insurance Service(국민건강보험), National Pension Service(국민연금), Employment insurance(고용보험), Workers'Compensation Insurance(산재보험), Rent for a LH rental house(한국토지주택공사 임대료), Property/House rent(부동산/주택임대료), Handicapped employment levy(장애인고용부담금), Apartment maintenance fee(아파트관리비), College titution fee(대학등록금), Gift or Prepaid card(기프트 또는 선불카드), Gift certificate(상품권)
- The cash back benefit will be applied in the form of statement credit(청구할인). You will be able to check this in your billing statement.
- [Spending requirement] This benefit requires 400,000 KRW in total or more spendings of this card in the month before the purchase.
Total last month spending of this card | 0 KRW ~ |
Monthly Cash back limit | 10,000 |
- Exceptions(No reward for the following purchases) : All purchases made with other cards, Cash Advance(단기카드대출 이용금액), Card Loan(장기카드대출 이용금액), ATM withdrawal(자동화기기 인출금액), Service fees including annual fee and foreign transaction fee (해외이용 수수료 및 연회비를 포함한 각종 수수료), Cancelled or refunded purchases(구매 취소건)
- Cash back will be given only if you spend 100,000 KRW or more at once.
- The cash back benefit will be applied in the form of statement credit(청구할인). You will be able to check this in your billing statement.
- [Spending requirement] This benefit requires 400,000 KRW in total or more spendings of this card in the month before the purchase.
- By using this card, you'll get extra rewards in eligible shops listed for the membership.
- With this membership, you'll earn 0.1~10% L.Point rewards in eligible L.Point member shops.
- For more detailed information, please refer to : https://www.lpoint.com/
- You may need to agree with providing your personal information to the third party company.
Networks | Annual fee | Foreign transaction fee (Purchase) |
15,000 KRW | 1.4% + 0.2% | |
15,000 KRW | 1% + 0.2% | |
15,000 KRW | N/A |